SEO Strategies Using Google+

SEO Strategies Using Google+

That +1s have a high correlation with search rankings is a fact begs the question of whether it makes sense or not to use Google+ as part of your SEO strategy.  You can even say that despite other social site’s popularity over Google+, having a strong presence on Google+ is more important in SEO terms.

That said, you can’t just randomly post stuff on your Google+ page and expect to reap huge rewards ranking-wise. If you are to make the most of the SEO advantages that Google+ can bring, you need to take sensible steps that will indeed maximize those advantages.  Below are some tips to help you do just that:

Build your Google+ Network

Building your Google+ networks involves getting more people to add you to their circles as well as increasing your own activity on the social network.

Encourage people to follow you on Google+ by placing a “follow me” badge on your site’s about page and other online profiles (besides Google+), placing +1 buttons on your pages (make your content share-friendly!), making your posts public (so that even those not in your circles will realize how interesting/useful your posts are), and engaging other people by re-sharing and commenting on their posts. By building your network on Google+, you’ll get higher chance of having people re-share your posts and click on your links.

Take ownership of your content via Google+

You know which content is yours and not, but Google has not way of knowing it, at least unless you let them know.

Take ownership of your online content and let Google know it’s yours by linking it your Google+ profile using the rel=”author” tag. It’s really easy to do, with the link above giving you a step-by-step guide on how to do it. Businesses, organizations and brands should also do the same, though this time connecting webpages to their Google+ Pages using the rel=”publisher” tag.

Post your links on Google+

Though Matt Cutts may have denied any direct effect of +1s on page rankings, all your links on Google+ still do pass on valuable link juice just like any other link does. So take make the most of this, make sure that you add links to all your other sites and online profiles on your Google+ About page as well as share your interesting content by posting them on Google+.

Don’t just pick any page to post, but really choose those that are of interest to your circles to increase the chances of +1s and re-shares. And yes, intersperse links to content with links from other sources  if you must, just to keep things as interesting as possible. There’s nothing wrong with using Google+ as a platform to spread your content, but you can bet that your circles will shrink instead of grow if you don’t manage to keep your posts interesting and relevant.

Optimize your Google+ posts

Don’t forget to optimize shared links when posting on Google+ by accompanying each post with lengthy and detailed commentaries and placing relevant keywords within the first few words of your commentary. The first 50 characters of posts appear in the title tag, so you want keywords to be part of your first few words.

Source: Amazing Correlation Between Google +1s and Higher Search Rankings

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