Google Search Console updates
The Google Search Console (originally known as Google Webmaster Tools) provides invaluable insight into how users find websites and how Google accesses their content. Getting to grips with the console can help business owners and webmasters to better understand how human and bot visitors interact with their web pages and how they navigate through the available information.
Although far from perfect, the insights offered by the Google Search Console can be useful for business owners looking to improve their online presence. The latest updates made to the digital tool could make it even more useful for developers and those looking to hone their online marketing techniques.
Google has grouped its recent changes into three categories: Insights, Workflow and Feedback Loops. Within the insights category, Google has made changes that will help webmasters to identify the root causes of issues that are preventing or hampering the crawling and indexing of web pages. These issues will now be brought together, allowing users to monitor progress and see whether any of the fixes they submit are recognised by Google.
This should help to speed up progress when developers are working on fixing big ticket items in the platform. By making the process quicker and simpler, Google hopes to streamline laborious tasks and minimise the amount of time users need to put in to see real results.
A practical solution to modern working needs, the workflow updates to the Google Search Console will help to improve collaboration and resolve issues more easily. Users will now be able to share ticket items with various members of their team within the platform. Given the fact that many organisations have multiple people working on correcting online issues and developing their web presence, this update should make life a little easier.
Feedback loops
Up till now, developers have had to wait a few days for Google to re-crawl their site before finding out if the changes they’ve made have been successful. Although this will remain true for the wider web, developers will at least be able to view an instant preview of their changes to see if they’ve been successful. This should help to speed up development and problem solving, helping websites to run more smoothly in the process.
What other changes are in the pipeline?
As well as the changes already being introduced, there are a number of other updates in the pipeline, Google is already BETA testing a more intuitive interface for the console. And rumours about an improvement in data processing times have encouraged developers the tool could become even more useful in the future.
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